Artiom Dashinsky

A Conversation with Artiom Dashinsky

Name: Artiom DashinskyLocation: Berlin, GermanyDesignation: Product Designer & MakerAssociated with: WeWork, SketchKeys, VeggieMat Over the past few years, I’ve been leaning towards the indie makers lifestyle. Looking for similar folks for inspiration and collaboration. Trying to learn from them and their products. That’s when I found Artiom. Artiom is an incredible maker and known for his side projects like SketchKeys, Retinize It, EmojiKey and more… I got the opportunity … Continue reading A Conversation with Artiom Dashinsky


A Conversation with Sebastien Gabriel of Google

Name: Sebastien Gabriel Location: San Francisco, USA Designation: Senior Designer Associated with: Google Sebastien moved to the US from France in 2012 to join Google. The story of his move is a courageous one and has inspired many, including me. Sebastien spends most of his time at Google working on our favorite browser – Chrome. He’s a believer of simple, clean and precise UI design. I absolutely … Continue reading A Conversation with Sebastien Gabriel of Google

Featured Paul Jarvis

A Conversation with Paul Jarvis

How are you, Paul? How about starting this conversation with a little intro of yours? Paul: Hey Darshan, I’m Paul Jarvis. I work at the intersection of creativity and commerce, which is really just a fancy way of saying I help folks who use their brains to make money. Currently, my main areas of work are: writing, podcasting, teaching courses and building software. What got … Continue reading A Conversation with Paul Jarvis